Hello friends! In this post, I will discuss how we can perform different redis operations in Golang. Friends, there are various libraries in Golang to interact with redis. But, in this post, I will use redigo. Follow the below steps:

Step 1: Install redis and start redis server in your machine. Then run redis-cli to enter into redis terminal.
Step 2: Create a directory and open it in any code editor. Make sure you have install Golang in your system.
Step 3: Create a file main.go. Here, you have to import  below package:


This package provides you method to create connection with redis server.

import (

Here, log has been imported to log the data.

    We will use Dial() method to create the connection with redis server.

con, err := redis.Dial("tcp", "localhost:6379")

Now, let us define a setter function to set a string in redis.

func setString(key, value string) {
result, er := con.Do("SET", key, value)
if er != nil {
log.Fatal("Some error: ", er.Error())


We can call this setter function in the main function to set the data
in the redis.

func main() {
setString("Name", "Debug Boss")

    The whole code is like below:

package main

import (

var conn redis.Conn

func init() {
con, err := redis.Dial("tcp", "localhost:6379")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Some error: ", err.Error())

conn = con

func setString(key, value string) {
result, er := conn.Do("SET", key, value)
if er != nil {
log.Fatal("Some error: ", er.Error())


func getString(key string) {
result, er := conn.Do("GET", key)
if er != nil {
log.Fatal("Some error: ", er.Error())


func main() {
setString("Name", "Debug Boss")